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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Will Novacool work on Lithium Ion Battery Fires?
    LIthium battery fires are UL classified as Class B fires, which Novacool excels at extinguishing. The electrolyte made up of propylene carbonate ethylene carbonate is what is actually buring and is responsible for the thermal runaway. Novacool will help to cool the fire site and protect the surrounding area from combustion, when used in an outdoor environment. Once the battery is breached and the Novacool solution is applied to the electrolyte, emulsification occurs with the water and electrolyte, isolating the electrolyte within the water which will render it not flammable. As with Class D fires, Novacool should not be used in confined spaces due to the potential for creating an explosive, hydrogen bubble.
  • Does Novacool contain PFOS/PFOA's or their 4,000 plus derivatives?
    No, Novacool does not contain any fluorinated compounds. It is biodegradable and can be used without worrying about contaminating your communities' groundwater or soil.
  • Can Novacool be used with my existing foam proportioning systems? What about Compressed Air Foam Systems?
    Yes, Novacool carries UL listing under the NFPA 18, 2006 edition and contains no ingredients that will harm your existing foam equipment. Many departments are currently using Novacool UEF in place of typical “Class A & B” foams as their additive source for compressed air foam systems (CAFS).
  • Is Novacool Corrosive?
    No, it is not corrosive but will rust steel if the steel is left in contact with the solution long enough. Remember, Novacool solution is 99.5% water which will oxidize or rust steel over time. We encourage users to follow manufacturer guidelines on maintenance of foam systems, many of which state to flush the system.
  • Is it necessary to flush out your foam system after use?
    While our customers tell us that lack of maintenance is one of the things they like most about using Novacool, we recommend flushing out the hose line and proportioner after each use. This is particularly important when using a Husky 3 proportioner that is not made from brass instead of stainless steel or bronze and does not have chemical-resistant seals. To date, this is the only proportioner we have run across that has had problems when kept wet instead of dry after each use.
  • Does Novacool UEF leave sticky residue or any other hazardous biproducts?
    No, Novacool UEF is fully biodegradable, non-corrosive and non-toxic.
  • Can I mix Novacool UEF with other foam products?
    Yes, Novacool UEF has been mixed with many other types of foam and no adverse reactions have been noted such as congealing or drying out. Novacool UEF will not cause any concentrate to de-foam including AR type.
  • Can I batch mix Novacool UEF directly into the tank of my truck?
    Yes, several departments have placed Novacool UEF directly into their tanks without any problems. Novacool UEF is usable with eductors, injectors, CAFS, or batch mixed; it’s non-corrosive and has no adverse effects on tanks, pumps, valves, or portioning equipment. Batch mixing is particularly necessary for departments that have older trucks or smaller brush trucks that may not have foam-proportioning systems. Novacool UEF is applied at 0.4%. A 500-gallon tank of water only requires 2.5 gallons of Novacool. A brush truck with a 250 gallon tank only needs to carry (1) five gallon bucket of Novacool UEF. This (1) five gallon bucket will treat 5 tanks of water at 0.4%. Novacool can be used all the way down to 0.2% for certain class A fires and still be effective.
  • Will this void my warranty on my new engine or truck?
    No, Novacool UEF is UL listed and certified to N.F.P.A. 18, 2006. In general most manufacturers design their tanks to accommodate foams certified to these standards.
  • Do I need to have a foam eductors to use Novacool?
    No, in the absence of a foam proportioning system using a foam eductors is optimal. However, as stated above the solution can be mixed directly into the tank or used through a foam proportioning system. However, if added directly to the tank we recommend some agitation to ensure adequate dilution. Batch mixed Novacool will biodegrade in about 28 days.
  • Do I need to worry about it fading my paint, or damaging my equipment?"
    No, Novacool UEF contains no harsh detergents, or other ingredients that will damage the environment. It does not have adverse effects on the truck or the property you are protecting.
  • Is Novacool UEF harmful to the environment?
    No, Novacool UEF is non-toxic and biodegradable. Novacool exceeds EPA guidelines and has been extensively tested. Novacool contains no EPA or DOT reportable ingredients and does not contain any nonylphenolethoxylates (Nape’s) or glycol ethers.
  • How long does it take for Novacool to biodegrade?
    Usually 3 to 4 days depending on bacteria, sunlight and temperature. 10. Is there any special training that is required? Do I need to buy new nozzles or anything else? No, if you already using class A or B foam on a regular basis, then you are ready to go. The only training that is required is for the pump engineer who needs to know what percentage is required. Departments can use existing equipment, including nozzles, etc. There are however, some techniques that will enhance the application of Novacool, but typically these techniques can be accomplished with existing equipment.
  • What is the shelf life of Novacool?
    Novacool has an indefinite shelf life in its original, sealed containers. The container can be opened to draw concentrate but then should be immediately sealed. Novacool will not separate over time.
  • Will Novacool Freeze?
    Yes, Novacool will freeze at around 28 degrees F. Once thawed, it will reconstitute back to its original state without separating and will not lose its effectiveness. We have a formula, Novacool Ready To Use Freeze Protected, that is good down to -40 degrees F/C developed for CAFS and pressurized water extinguishers. It is not a concentrate. It is used full strength, ie: a 60-Gallon CAFS will require 12, 5-gallon pails or will fill 2, 2.5-gallon water extinguishers.
  • Does Novacool make a foam blanket?
    Yes, once the fire is extinguished, you can build a blanket as deep as you want for vapor suppression.
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